We fix each others crowns, We have each other's backs.

We Fix Each Others Crowns I am Justyna and I am a 22 year old polish girl living in Norway since 2016. I am studying translations at University of Agder and I love literature , cooking and being with other people. My motivation was the book (of course) by L.M Montgomery,' Anne of Green Gables'. Story of beautiful, strong girl who was not accepting the world as it was. When it comes to the challenges in life,I think my biggest challenge was turning my passion into reality. This was reflected when I had to actually start using the language that I was learning,which was Norwegian. It took me many months and sleepless nights to even start understanding people, and to start speaking the language myself but I made it through and I am glad I persevered. In many cases women do not support or celebrate each other and it has been noted as the main reason why some people do not make it in life , I wouldn’t call it the main reason, but definitely ...