Letter to my 10 years younger self The best person to believe in is yourself “In hope that this can inspire people who don’t believe in themselves to go on trying”. Hey Live, 20 years old, I am about to become 30 and you have no clue how much your life is going to change the next 10 years. When I tell you that one day you will be going to university, lead an Amnesty student group and be happy, I know you would react with anger. That’s because you would think I am taunting you, by presenting an imaginary future that you can never have and a person you can never be. Because that is what you believe right now. That you are a failure that can never be anything else than a burden for society and the people you love. I know your life now is very painful and dark, but there is a better tomorrow coming your way, even though you can’t see or believe it in right now. I know you want to give up, but I am so thankful that you did not. That you held the ground while not really knowing the...